Bullitt County Board of Education
1040 Highway 44 East
Shepherdsville, KY 40165
Our mission is to inspire and equip our students to succeed in life.
Dr. Matt Mooney
District 3
Phone: 502-593-7894
Mrs. Linda Belcher
District 1
Phone: 502-957-2793
Mrs. Nita Neal
District 2
Phone: 502-608-9907
To Be Determined
District 4
Mr. Dallas Harshfield
District 5
Phone: 502-767-6997
Public Comment at Board Meetings
With the exception of meetings designated as closed, all Bullitt County Board of Education meetings are open to the public. The Board welcomes public comment during its meetings. In order to address the board, you must register to do so at the beginning of the meeting and include your name, address, and the topic on which you will be speaking. Please note that all public comments should be pertinent to items on the current meeting's agenda, and that comments should be limited to addressing the topic indicated at the time of sign up. Each speaker will be allowed three minutes to make comments. A tone will sound when there are 30 seconds remaining as well as another tone to indicate the conclusion of the allotted time. In accordance with Board policy, the Board reserves the right to limit, extend, or terminate discussion on any subject at any time. Please understand that there will be no engagement or discussion from the Board regarding any public comments during a meeting. The Superintendent will note any specific questions or concerns and follow up on those topics as necessary.