2023 Nutrition & Physical Activity Annual Report

BCPS is committed to providing school environments that promote and protect student health, well-being, and ability to learn by supporting healthy eating and physical activity. The following are implemented in BCPS:

  • All schools participate in the National School Breakfast and the National School Lunch Program
  • Schools will provide and promote nutrition education and physical education to foster lifelong habits of healthy eating and physical activity and will establish linkages between health education, school meal programs, and related community services.
  • All elementary schools implement a school-level wellness policy which includes moderate to vigorous physical activity each day and encourages healthy choices among students
  • Each school shall review and consider evidence-based strategies to set measurable goals in providing nutrition education and engaging in nutrition promotion to positively influence lifelong eating behaviors.

Standards and Nutrition Guidelines for all Foods and Beverages

Foods and beverages sold during the school day shall be done in accordance with state and federal regulations and Board Policies 07.111 and 07.12. 

Special Dietary Needs

Students whose dietary needs qualify them for an adaptation under law shall be provided accommodations in keeping with local procedures.

Standards for All Foods and Beverages Sold to Students

  • Foods and beverages sold or served at school shall be consistent with the state and federal regulations for school meal nutrition standards. 
  • Qualified child nutrition professionals will provide students with access to a variety of affordable, nutritious, and appealing foods that meet the health and nutrition needs of students.

Standards for All Foods and Beverages Provided but Not Sold to Students

  • When possible, rewards given to students shall be other than food/beverage items. When food/beverage items are used as rewards, such items shall comply with nutritional guidelines set out in 7 C.F.R 210.11 and 702 KAR 6:090. KAR 006:090. Foods and beverages.
  • Foods and beverages provided in school, but not made available for sale, shall meet standards outlined in the schools’ individual wellness plan (if applicable) and will not conflict with District Policy.

Food and Beverage Marketing

All marketing on the school campus during the school day shall be of only those foods and beverages that meet the nutrition standards of the Smart Snack in School Nutrition Standards (7 C.F.R 210.11 and 702 KAR 006:090).

Breakfast & Lunch

Lunchrooms shall serve meals that meet or exceed the requirements specified by state and federal regulations.

Focused on our core value Students Matter Most, the Department of School Nutrition Services (SNS) administers the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program at all district school sites, ensuring all students have access to nutritious meals to support their growth and development physically and in the classroom. The SNS Department ensures that well-balanced meals are provided during the breakfast and lunch meal service times. All meals follow a strict meal pattern that is provided by the federal government. 

  • National School Lunch Program, a federally assisted meal program that provides nutritionally balanced, low-cost or free lunches to children each school day. 
  • School Breakfast Program, which provides reimbursement to states to operate nonprofit breakfast programs in schools. 

2nd Chance Breakfast Program

This program was piloted at Mt. Washington Middle School (MWMS) starting in January 2023. Prior to the implementation of this program, MWMS’s average daily participation (ADP) at breakfast was 60 students. Once implemented, ADP increased to 154 students. 


Physical Education

All elementary and secondary school pupils shall receive organized physical education instruction as recorded in the Kentucky Academic Standards and in the minimum unit requirements for high school graduation set forth in 704 KAR 003:305.

Professional Development for Staff

Health and physical education teachers must complete 24 hours of professional development each school year. Our District leadership continues to support our health and physical education teachers with attendance to the annual KY-SHAPE Conference, as well as the SHAPE America national conference. 

All school nutrition personnel must complete USDA Professional Standards Training requirements each school year. These professional training hours ensures that our nutrition professionals continue to growth and development at BCPS staff members. Below are the USDA Professional Standards Training hourly requirements:

  • Director: 12 hours
  • Managers: 10 hours
  • Cook/bakers: 6 hours
  • Lunchroom Monitors: 4 hours

Alliance for a Healthier Generation

For the past several years, BCPS has partnered with the Alliance for a Healthier Generation to help support our student’s physical, social, and emotional health. The tools and resources provided through this partnership allow our schools and district-level wellness team to complete annual assessments regarding several areas of focus. Below are assessments that are available for our schools and our district wellness team.

  • Thriving Schools Integrated Assessment
  • Healthy Schools Assessment
  • America’s Healthiest Schools Readiness Tool
  • RISE Index

Healthy Schools Assessment

The Healthy Schools Assessment is an online assessment tool to determine a school’s or district’s effectiveness in the following areas:

  • Policy and Environment
  • Nutrition Services
  • Smart Snacks
  • Health & Physical Education
  • Physical Activity
  • Employee Wellness

RISE Index

The RISE Index is an online assessment tool that is meant to support district-level staff as well as enable districts to focus their efforts on supporting school-level social-emotional health policies and practices and collaborate with other key stakeholders. RISE stands for Resilience in School Environments; it focuses on the following areas: 

  • District Staff Well-being
  • District Leadership Team
  • District-wide Policies & Procedures
  • District-level Collaboration

Assessment Results

Nutritional Information Provided for All Students and Stakeholders

BCPS is committed to providing quality customer service when it comes to student nutrition and nutritional information. Students and families can access nutritional information for all products on our menus by using our Mealviewer platform. 

Students and families can access our menus and nutritional information from the BCPS App. and/or the “Mealviewer To Go” App. Use links below to download Mealviewer To Go:

School Nutrition Recommendations

After review of the assessment data, the following recommendations have been established: 

  • Expand the 2nd Chance Breakfast Program
  • Implement share tables at all BCPS schools using district guidance in conjunction with the local Health Department
  • Work to increase the amount of locally-grown foods offered to students

For Questions & Comment

Please reach out to our Director of School Nutrition Services with any questions or comments. A list of wellness recommendations will be provided to The Board at the January 2024 monthly meeting.

Todd Crumbacker
Director of School Nutrition Services

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