Congratulations Kadence

Bullitt County, KY — February is Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month, a time to celebrate students who are developing valuable skills for future careers. Bullitt County Public Schools is proud to highlight Kadence Pataluna, a dedicated Family & Consumer Sciences student at Bullitt East High School, whose achievements exemplify the district’s commitment to preparing students for success.

Kadence recently competed in the Region 6 FCCLA STAR Events competition at duPont Manual High School on February 22 alongside her teacher, Ms. Saylor. She earned 1st place in the Nutrition & Wellness STAR Event, demonstrating her expertise and passion for health and well-being. This outstanding performance qualifies Kadence to advance to the Kentucky FCCLA State Leadership Conference on April 23, 2025, where she will compete at the state level.

As a student in the Early Childhood Education and Culinary pathways, Kadence has embraced opportunities to apply her knowledge beyond the classroom, exemplifying the attributes of a Mastery Learner and Self-Directed Navigator—two key competencies of the BCPS Graduate Profile. Her ability to set goals, apply learned content in real-world settings, and persevere through challenges highlights the impact of Career and Technical Education in fostering college and career readiness.

FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America) provides students with the chance to enhance their leadership, problem-solving, and communication skills—essential qualities for future success. Kadence’s hard work and dedication showcase the Future-Focused approach that BCPS values, aligning with our mission to inspire and equip students to succeed in life.

We wish Kadence the best of luck as she represents Bullitt East High School and BCPS at the state FCCLA competition this spring! Her journey serves as an inspiration to all students pursuing their passions through our district’s CTE programs.

#MovingForward #BCPSMasteryLearner #BCPSSelfDirectedNavigator #BCPSFutureFocused #CTEMonth