National STEM/STEAM Day calls for full “STEAM” ahead as we encourage our students to explore their interests in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, & Math. BCPS is proud to have a dedicated team that loves bringing students’ inspirations to life; featured here are just a few of our STEM/STEAM instructors that collaborate to create an exciting & approachable curriculum at our BCPS schools — read what they have to say about what makes their jobs worthwhile! #MovingForward #ProactiveInnovation Part 3: North
9 months ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
National STEM/STEAM Day calls for full “STEAM” ahead as we encourage our students to explore their interests in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, & Math. BCPS is proud to have a dedicated team that loves bringing students’ inspirations to life; featured here are just a few of our STEM/STEAM instructors that collaborate to create an exciting & approachable curriculum at our BCPS schools — read what they have to say about what makes their jobs worthwhile! #MovingForward #ProactiveInnovation Part 2: Central
9 months ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
National STEM/STEAM Day calls for full “STEAM” ahead as we encourage our students to explore their interests in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, & Math. BCPS is proud to have a dedicated team that loves bringing students’ inspirations to life; featured here are just a few of our STEM/STEAM instructors that collaborate to create an exciting & approachable curriculum at our BCPS schools — read what they have to say about what makes their jobs worthwhile! #MovingForward #ProactiveInnovation Part 1: East
9 months ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
This year's School Psychology Week theme is "Let's Grow Together," emphasizing the important role our school psychologists play in supporting student well-being & learning as aspects of growth. Thank you for all you do! #MovingForward #StudentsMatterMost #EmbraceDifferences
9 months ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
We’re starting a new video series called “Beyond the Bell”! In each video, we’ll be introducing you to someone that’s a part of Team BCPS - this could be an administrator, a teacher, staff member, or even a student. For this first segment, Dr. Bacon helps us get to know Dr. Hannah Scott, Principal at Roby Elementary School. #MovingForward #BCPSBeyondtheBell
9 months ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
Beyond the Bell Logo Image
We're at it again with another national-level recognition! Check out this recognition we recently received from the US Department of Energy! #MovingForward #BCPSProactiveInnovation
9 months ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
Spotlight on BCPS Energy Program
We are excited to announce the kickoff of our 2023-2024 VIP Program! This poster campaign aims to honor students in Bullitt County for their leadership abilities, community involvement, achievement, and MOST important, their decision to be alcohol, tobacco, and drug free. Know a 6th-10th grade student that would make a great VIP? Nominate them before November 10th! #MovingForward #BCPSFutureFocused
9 months ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
VIP Nominations Now Open!
This week's Staff Spotlight features Ms. Carla Asbury from Zoneton Middle School, who makes every student feel valued as she regularly demonstrates Students Matter Most. #MovingForward #BCPSStudentsMatterMost
9 months ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
This week's spotlight, Nina B. from Lebanon Junction ES, encourages her peers to be Productive Collaborators in the classroom, creating an elevated learning environment for all involved. #MovingForward #BCPSProductiveCollaborator
9 months ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
BCPS students, staff & families looking for help with mental health or substance use, can call Care Solace at 888-515-0595 for 24/7/365 personalized & confidential help finding a therapist or you can search on your own at #MovingForward
9 months ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
Be gentle with yourself. You matter!
In BCPS, we view the state’s accountability system as just ONE of many tools we use to measure student success as we constantly strive for improvement. Our focus is also on helping our students model our Graduate Profile components so that they can succeed in life! #MovingForward
9 months ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
KSA Release Page 1
KSA Release Page 2
KSA Release Page 3
Our commitment to #BCPSProactiveInnovation has been recognized! BCPS has been named a recipient of the Innovative School Systems Grant! Through this, we will be able to continue our implementation of authentic learning experiences for students tied to our Graduate Profile and to build a new assessment system tied to our Board Aspiration Statements and the benefits we provide our students and their families. To learn more about this exciting announcement, visit this link: #MovingForward
9 months ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
BCPS In the Spotlight: ISSG Recipient
This week's spotlight, Isaac L. from Bullitt East High School, demonstrates what it means to be a Community Contributor in the classroom every day. #MovingForward #BCPSCommunityContributor
9 months ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
Student Week Isaac L
You're Invited! In honor of Homeless Youth Awareness Month, our McKinney-Vento program is hosting a mini-conference on November 6th that is available to our both staff and the community. There are two sessions available: 9:00 AM-12:00 PM -- Register Here: 3:15 PM-6:15 PM -- Register Here: Light snacks and beverages will be provided. The first 50 participants to register in each session will receive a FREE copy of Cheryl Fuller's book "Piece by Piece." #MovingForward #BCPSEmbraceDifferences
9 months ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
McKinney-Vento Mini Conference
This week's Staff Spotlight features Ms. Becky Keown, MSD Instructional Coach with the District. Ms. Keown regularly demonstrates Service Before Self within her MSD classrooms. #MovingForward #BCPSServiceBeforeSelf
9 months ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
Staff Spotlight Becky Keown
Our Industrial Maintenance students at the ATC have been testing their cardboard bridge constructions and the results are in! 🥇 First Place: Jesse, Phillip, and Cooper 🏋️ Heaviest Weight Held: Cid, Noah, Cameron -- 414.8 POUNDS! Aside from these amazing results, one of the coolest things to see was the pride that the students had in their work! Everyone was so invested in the process and even wanted to record not only their own bridge, but their classmates' as well. What a great way to build a classroom community!! #MovingForward
9 months ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
Bridge Testing at the ATC
Overall Bridge Winners
Heaviest Weight Winners
Students capturing each other's bridges on camera.
Nervous students add more weight to their cardboard bridge
Students add weight to their bridge.
Students discuss positives and negatives about their bridge designs after the weight test.
Students preparing a bridge for weight testing
Nervous student looks on as their bridge is tested,.
Student capturing his bridge on video while it's being tested.
Earlier this week at our October Board of Education Meeting, we recognized Lily Smith from ROC as being a National Merit Scholar Semifinalist! Congratulations on this incredible accomplishment, Lily! #MovingForward
9 months ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
Congratulations to Lily Smith!
Congratulations to Ms. Kimberly Thompson who has recently been named one of only 21 teacher leaders in the state for the UK-JHF Holocaust Education Initiative! This Initiative creates a network of teachers across the Commonwealth who feel confident and capable of including Holocaust curricula in their classrooms. Throughout the year, Ms. Thompson will collaborate with the other 20 selected leaders to design district- and school-specific lessons, plan and execute workshops for teachers across the state, and more. Congratulations, Ms. Thompson!! #MovingForward
9 months ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
Congratulations, Kimberly Thompson!
Recently, Ms. Rucker and Ms. Ridley took over 30 students from BCHS and NBHS to attend the Educators Rising Conference at Asbury University! Educators Rising is a student organization that "cultivates a new generation of highly skilled educators by guiding young people on a path from high school through college and into their teaching careers." While at the conference, BCPS students were able to chat with current Asbury students about things they can expect both in college and in the teaching profession. #MovingForward #BCPSFutureFocused
9 months ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
BCPS Students Attend Educators Rising Conference
Last week, Miss Kentucky visited students at Bullitt Lick Middle School to share how important agriculture is to our everyday way of life! Students also got to chat with her individually at a meet-and-greet in the cafeteria after her presentation. #MovingForward
9 months ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
Miss KY Visits BLMS