Student shoutout! #WeAreBC
over 1 year ago, BCHS
Student shoutout!
Student shoutout! #WeAreBC
over 1 year ago, BCHS
Student shoutout!
Student Shoutout! #WeAreBC
over 1 year ago, BCHS
Student Shoutout!
Student shoutout! #WeAreBC
over 1 year ago, BCHS
Student shoutout!
Staff shoutout! #WeAreBC
over 1 year ago, BCHS
Staff Shoutout!
Staff Shoutout! #WeAreBC
over 1 year ago, BCHS
Staff Shoutout!
Staff Shoutout! #WeAreBC
over 1 year ago, BCHS
Staff shoutout!
Staff shoutout! #WeAreBC
over 1 year ago, BCHS
Staff Shoutout
Staff Shoutout! #WeAreBC
over 1 year ago, BCHS
Staff Shoutout
Staff Shoutout! #WeAreBC
over 1 year ago, BCHS
Staff Shoutout
Staff shoutout! #WeAreBC
over 1 year ago, BCHS
Staff Shoutout
Student shoutout! #WeAreBC
over 1 year ago, BCHS
BCHS Student Shoutout
Student shoutout! #WeAreBC
over 1 year ago, BCHS
BCHS Student shoutout
Below is some info of things happening for BCHS PTSA. Please get involved and help support our staff and students! The first meeting for this year is tomorrow, Wednesday 9/20 at 6:00 pm in the library.
over 1 year ago, BCHS
BC Cougar PTSA
Paint fundraiser
Barcode to join PTSA
🐾 Attention Cougars! Use this order form to order your Letterman jacket! A NEFF representative will be here on September 22nd to collect money and order forms (and answer any questions you may have). 🐾 #WeAreBC #wearyourspirit #cougarshop #schoolstore #spiritwear
over 1 year ago, BCHS
Letter jacket order form
Attention Students: FCA will meet every Tuesday morning at 6:55 am in the small gym.
over 1 year ago, BCHS
BCHS FCA Students
Staff Shoutout! #WeAreBC
over 1 year ago, BCHS
BCHS Staff Shoutout!
Staff Shoutout! #WeAreBC
over 1 year ago, BCHS
BCHS Staff Shoutout
Staff Shoutout! #WeAreBC
over 1 year ago, BCHS
Staff Shoutout BCHS
Staff Shoutout! #WeAreBC
over 1 year ago, BCHS
Staff Shoutout