Students in Uganda

Bernheim Middle School raised funds during the Fall semester to make a global impact. The BMS community collected donations to provide clean, safe drinking water to schools in Uganda. Recently, the school received an update from the Ugandan Water Project organization including a video. The letter is posted below:

"I'm excited to share that the first rainwater collection system the 6th graders sponsored this fall has been completed and is transforming the lives of people in Uganda. Because of your support, 192 students and teachers now have access to clean, safe drinking water from the new rainwater collection system at their school. 

Let that sink in! 192 students and teachers now have on-site access to clean, safe water access right at their school.

Bernheim Middle School did that!

We're so grateful that you chose to partner with the Ugandan Water Project to give water and give life to these schools for years to come. To see all the details on the rainwater system you sponsored, check out the linked impact report below, where you'll find photos, GPS coordinates, survey data, and more.

I'm also linking a video here that will walk you through the report. 

The photos in these reports won't always show up in some browsers like Safari, so I'd recommend using Chrome!

You have helped transform so many lives through this project. Please feel free to share the impact of this project and the generosity that fueled it with your friends and family! We're excited to be one day closer to celebrating the end of Uganda's water crisis because of you.

With gratitude,
Jess Alinaitwe"

BMS couldn’t be prouder of the positive impact our students have had on the world they live in. An update will follow when the second water collection system is in place.