CBA Team Kicks Off!

Our district has taken a significant step forward in aligning our goals with our local community’s expectations by launching our Community-Based Accountability (CBA) Steering Committee. This innovative initiative, co-led by BCPS district leadership and Mike Ekbundit from GE Appliances, aims to reimagine how our district measures success, moving beyond traditional standardized testing to look at all the aspects of school that are important to our community.

The CBA Steering Committee brings together community members, parents, staff, and district leaders to ensure that our accountability system reflects the aspirations and values of the Bullitt County community. Through collaborative discussions at their kick-off meeting earlier this week, the group reviewed BCPS’ Core Values and mission while focusing on how to create authentic, student-centered learning experiences.

During the meeting, participants engaged in activities to refine the district’s Aspiration Statements, ensuring these five overarching pillars continue to reflect our community’s high expectations for the future of education in Bullitt County. The committee will continue working throughout the year to finalize these aspirations and define the metrics and pieces of data that will gauge the district’s progress toward each. Another goal for this team is to give input toward creating a public-facing dashboard that will provide transparent updates to families and our community related to the metrics and data collected.

Superintendent Dr. Jesse Bacon shared, “This shift to a community-based accountability model is a meaningful way to ensure we are meeting the unique needs of our students and aligning our efforts with the priorities of our local community.”

For more information about our Community-Based Accountability initiative and how you can get involved, be sure to follow BCPS’ social media accounts and check the district’s website frequently.