Nichols Elementary School: Non-Injury Bus Accident
BCPS Families,
This morning, while transporting students to Nichols Elementary School, one of our
buses was involved in a minor accident. We are relieved to report that there were no
injuries to the driver nor the three students that were on board at the time.
The safety and well-being of our students are our utmost priority, and as such, BCPS
administration responded to the scene very quickly. The three students and their driver have been evaluated for injury by first responders and have been cleared at this time.
Nichols Elementary administration worked to quickly notify the family members of the three students directly involved. All three students were able to speak with their family members via telephone when they arrived at school and have decided to remain at school for the day. Nichols staff will continue to check in on these students throughout the school day and will offer additional support to these students as needed.
We would like to extend our thanks to our local first responders and our administration for acting swiftly in response to this matter.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us and we will be
more than willing to assist you.
Troy Wood
Chief Operations Officer
Bullitt County Public Schools
Anne Marie Landry
Nichols Elementary